Cervical carcinoma is the fourth most common form of malignancy following breast, skin and gastrointestinal tract cancers. It most commonly affects women aged 40 to 60. The most common cause of the disease is Human papilloma virus (HPV). Other risk factors include family history of cervical cancer, smoking, HIV, long-term use of contraceptives, pregnancy before the age of 17, diabetes, and hypertension. It should also be noted that the rate of incidence is 3 times higher among women who are overweight. Manor Medical Group's Cervical Cancer Treatment program procedures take place at Assuta Tel Aviv.

Treatment Schedule

Our medical coordinator will pick the patient up from the airport and driver her to her hotel.

The following day, an English-speaking coordinator will take her for her lab tests (including specific tumour markers). If the patient has slides from a previous biopsy with her, we will take them to an expert pathologist for revision. The results of the revision will be completed on the evening of the third day.

A radiological study and PET/CT scan will also take place on day 2. These will help determine the dimensions of the tumour and whether the disease has metastasized. The PET will be interpreted by the evening of the third day. Finally, the patient will be examined by a senior oncological gynecologist, who may also perform a biopsy. The results of the pathological study will become ready within four business days.

Listed below is a complete list of the planned procedures.


  • Lab workup (including tumour markers)
  • Biopsy revision (please bring the slides from your previous biopsy with you!)
  • Gynecologic oncologist exam & biopsy (material is sent for a histopathological examination)
  • Optional: Expedited histopathological study
  • PET/CT scan
  • Pelvic Doppler US scan
  • Optional: Pelvic MRI
  • Conclusive gynecologic oncologist consultation

The investigations will take 4 business days to complete.


Cost of treatment will depends on the results of the diagnostics stage.

If leukoplakia is detected, the procedure of choice is conization (cone biopsy). It is a minimally invasive procedure that will allow you to be discharged within a few short hours. You will, however, need to remain in Israel for additional 10 days for observation.

If no distant metastases are detected, the main option of treatment is radical hysterectomy. Cost of surgery will include:

  • Routine preoperative preparation (ECG, chest X-ray and an anesthesiologist consultation)
  • Operative procedure and up to 4 days of hospitalization at Assuta’s Department of Gynecology
  • Disposable surgical materials
  • Express pathological study and conclusive histopathological study.

You will need to remain in Israel for 8 days following your surgery.

Please note that when the tumour mass is large radiation therapy (brachytherapy or traditional XRT) is indicated.

Fertility Preservation

As of late, a new uterus-sparing technique that allows women to give birth following cervical cancer treatment has began being used in Israel. Only patients who meet the following conditions are eligible for this procedure:

  • Young age
  • No metastases
  • The tumour mass is small in size and does not reach the uterus
  • The process is exophytic

You will need to remain in Israel for 8 days following your surgery.

Intraoperative express biopsies to confirm negative margins are performed in all cases

Manor Medical Group also offers local and systemic hormonal therapy according to innovative protocols for young female patients, who are interested in giving birth in the future

** Please note that the procedure can be performed utilizing the robotic da Vinci Surgical System. This will significantly decrease post-operative pain and shorten your recovery period.

Please Note

The suggested treatment program (with a specialist recommended by us) will take place at Assuta Medical Center. If you would like, we can instead arrange the treatment at one of Israel’s public hospitals. In such case, the cost of the surgery (not including the logistics package) will be 20 to 30 per cent lower. However, while we can definitely guarantee that the surgery will be performed by one of that hospital’s top experts, the name of the particular expert will be selected based on their rotation schedule.

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