Can I come to Israel for treatment?

Of course! Before you travel to Israel, however, you will need to check whether you require a visa. Patients from most European countries, USA, Canada and Australia do not need a visa to enter Israel. If you do require one, Manor staff will assist you in obtaining it. A full list of countries that require a Visa to Israel can be found here.

Do I need a visa to come to Israel?

Patients from most European countries, USA, Canada and Australia do not need a visa to enter Israel. If you do require one, Manor staff will assist you in obtaining it by sending you an invitation for treatment which you can show at the Israeli embassy/consulate in your country of residence.  A full list of countries that require a Visa to Israel can be found here.

Do I need to buy insurance to travel to Israel for treatment?

Both the patient and the person(s) accompanying him need to have regular tourist medical insurance.

How much do drafting of treatment program and a long distance consultation cost?

We draft a treatment program and provide a long distance consultation at NO COST to you. All you need to do is email us the relevant medical summaries to [email protected] or leave your contact details on our website.

How do I know which specialist I need?

In order for us to determine which specialist to refer you to, you’ll need to send us an email with a description your symptoms and relevant medical summaries to [email protected] or leave your contact details on our website. Our medical director will study your case and pass it on to a local physician who specializes in treating your condition.

Can I contact a hospital/medical center on my own?

Yes, you can. Please note, however, that your case will be handled by that hospital’s department of medical tourism, which will you refer you to a physician who is free at that time rather than to the specialist you wanted to be treated by. Please also note that contacting a hospital directly does not guarantee that all the treatment procedures will be completed during the time you’re planning to stay in Israel for.

I am fluent in English, so I can contact a hospital on my own. Why do I need a medical tourism services provider for?

Yes, you can. Please note, however, that your case will be handled by that hospital’s department of medical tourism, which will refer you to a physician who is free at that time rather than to the specialist you wanted to be treated by.

If you’re looking for treatment by a particular specialist, or if you can only stay in Israel for a limited amount of time, we recommend that you contact our company. We’ll draft a convenient diagnostics and treatment schedule for you and can guarantee that you will be treated by one of Israel’s finest medical professionals.

How can I send my medical documents to an Israeli specialist?

You need to email a description of your symptoms and your medical documents to [email protected] or leave your contact details on our website. Our medical director will study your case and pass it on to a local physician who specializes in treating your condition.

The file I need to send is very large, how can I get it to you?

You can attach files up to 100 MB when you fill one of our contact forms. If your file is larger than that, you can upload it to a free file sharing service (i.e. and send us a link. We will download it and forward it to the relevant medical specialist.

I would like to speak to a physician directly. Is that possible?

You can email any question you have to [email protected] or send it through the form on our website and we will forward it to the relevant specialist.

How long will it take you to draft a treatment program?

Your personalized treatment program will be sent to the email address you’ve provided within 24 to 48 hours of you contacting us. It will include a detailed description of the procedures you’ll need to undergo and their prices.

How will I find out the dates and price of treatment?

Dates and cost will be specified in your treatment program, which will be sent to the email address you’ve provided within 24 to 48 hours of you contacting us.

When do I need to pay?

Payment is made in stages, as you complete the scheduled medical procedures. , as you complete the scheduled medical procedures. Payment for surgeries is to be made in advance (prior to hospitalization).

How do I pay for treatment?

You can by either cash or credit at our offices or via bank wire. Payment is made in stages, as you complete the scheduled medical procedures. Please note there is a 1.5% surcharge when paying with a credit card.

What currency do you accept?

We accept USD and NIS (New Israeli Shekels).

I don’t know which city I should stay in

You can book a hotel in any city in the Central District, as long as it’s near the medical center where you’ll be treated (i.e. Tel Aviv, Bat Yam, Herzliya, Petach Tikva and Ramat Gan).

Can I stay with friends/relatives or do I have to book a hotel?

Your accommodations are entirely your decision. Our only condition is that you stay in a city in the Central District that is near the medical center where you’ll be treated (i.e. Tel Aviv, Bat Yam, Herzliya, Petach Tikva and Ramat Gan).

Can I stay at an apartment instead of a hotel?

Your accommodations are entirely your decision. Our only condition is that you stay in a city in the Central District that is near the medical center where you’ll be treated (i.e. Tel Aviv, Bat Yam, Herzliya, Petach Tikva and Ramat Gan).

I’d like Manor’s representative to accompany me during the medical procedures? Is it possible?

Yes, of course. We always have a medical coordinator escort our patients to all medical procedures.

I will be traveling alone. How hard will it be to communicate with my treating physicians?

Our medical coordinators will escort you to all your medical appointments, so you have nothing to worry about.

Can a friend/relative accompany me?

Yes, of course! We can arrange concierge service for him/her while you’re undergoing diagnostic procedures/treatment. This includes personalized shopping, an introduction to Tel Aviv’s night life (our administrative concierge will recommend a place and make reservations), arranging a tour of the Israeli Diamond Exchange, Spa/beauty salon recommendations, ordering tickets for music shows and theatres and so on.

Can my friend/relative stay with me in my hospital room?

Yes, it is possible if you’re hospitalized at Assuta Medical Center.

Will I be able to use my mobile phone in Israel?

You will be able to use your phone if you have roaming enabled. Alternatively, we can provide you with an Israeli SIM-card.

How much does an Israeli SIM cost and will it work with my phone?

We will provide you with an Israeli pay-as-you-go micro/nano SIM free of charge. Incoming calls are free. In order to make outgoing calls you will need to put at least  NIS60 (approximately $17US) in your account. This can be done at our offices.

How do I contact your company/representatives after arriving in Israel?

Our medical director will contact you on your mobile once you’ve settled in your hotel and tell you when your first medical procedure is set to take place. During your first visit to Manor offices you will be provided with a local SIM. you will be able to make local calls once you’ve topped-up your account.

How will I know what procedures I am scheduled to undergo and when?

The treatment program will include a complete list of scheduled procedures. Our medical coordinator will inform you of their dates and times. They will also drive you to and from your procedures and, if needed, assist with translation during them.

How will I get to my medical appointments?

Our medical coordinator will drive you to and from your appointments and, if needed, can assist with translation during them.

How will I communicate with my treating physicians?

Most Israeli specialists are fluent in English. In any case, our medical coordinator will escort you during all your medical procedures and translate if needed.

What should I bring with me to the hospital?

Personal hygiene products, a bathrobe, outside clothes, slippers, and a notebook or tablet.

How many people will I share a hospital room with?

Israeli hospital rooms are designed for 2 or 3 patients. You can, however, book a private suite for an additional fee.

Will my hospital room have TV and/or internet?

Most hospital rooms in Israel have both.

I’m coming to Israel for a check-up. Can someone assist me in arranging leisure activities?

Yes, of course. We provide concierge service, which is free of charge. The leisure activities we can schedule include personalized shopping, an introduction to Tel Aviv’s night life (our administrative concierge will recommend a place and make reservations), a visit to the Israeli Diamond Exchange, Spa/beauty salon recommendations, ordering tickets for music shows and theatres and so on.

Manor Medical Group also offers you the opportunity to visit Israel’s Holy sites and other attractions. The tours are in small groups (up to 10 people). They take place every Friday and Saturday and are absolutely FREE!

I am weary of travelling on my own due to my condition. Can one of your physicians accompany me?

Yes, you can order medical escort. In such case one of our physicians will travel with you.

I am a non-ambulatory patient. What should I do?

You can order medical aviation services. Medical aviation planes are equipped similarly to an ICU, which will allow your condition to be constantly monitored during the flight.

What are medical aviation services?

Medical aviation services are used in situations where urgent transportation of a patient is required. Medical aviation planes are equipped similarly to an ICU, which allows for monitoring the patient’s condition at all times during the flight.

How will I know what is written in the medical documents I’ll receive following my treatment?

We will translate all medical documents (except lab analyses) you will receive into English and email them to you within 14 working days of your departure from Israel.

What is the weather like in Israel?

Israel has a warm subtropical climate. Average temperatures range from 24 to 32°C (75 to 90°F) in July and between 12 and 20°C (54 to 68°F) in January. It is strongly advised you bring an umbrella and rain footwear with you if you’re travelling to Israel during the winter months. During summer months you are advised to bring a light jacket or a sweatshirt as all facilities are air conditioned.

Whom do I contact in case of an emergency?

In such case you should contact your medical coordinator.

My hotel asks for a security deposit. When will I get the money back?

If you pay cash, you will get your money back when you check out. If you pay with a credit card, the hotel refunds the money when you check-out, however, it can take up to 30 days for it to appear in your account.

How do I check whether the medical facilities I’m being treated at are properly accredited?

We will send you the accreditation details on request.

Are the medical facilities I’ll be treated in internationally accredited?

We will send you the accreditation details on request.

I couldn’t find a suitable treatment program on your site. What should I do?

Please email us at [email protected] or contact us through one of the forms on the website and we will send you all the relevant details.

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