Larynx cancer most commonly affects men aged 40 to 60. The major risk factor for the disease is heavy smoking, however, excessive alcohol consumption also increases the chance of its development. The larynx (also referred to as a voice box) contains the vocal folds (cords) and is split into three areas: supravocal, vocal and subvocal. Most commonly tumours begin to develop in the supravocal region. This type is considered to be the most malignant – it develops quickly and tends to metastasize early on. Vocal cords cancer is more rare and is considered to be less malignant. Please find the throat cancer treatment program in Israel listed below.
Supravocal tumours usually develop in the lumen of the larynx. They are normally bosselated and have well-defined borders. Endophytic tumours are not well-defined and grow inward. Mixed-type larynx tumours are also known.
When laryngeal carcinoma is suspected the diagnostic program includes the following:
- Extensive blood workup (including tumour markers)
- Whole body PET CT scan to rule out mets
- Hi-resolution neck MRI (to assess condition of larynx/throat and local spread)
- Biopsy revision (please bring slides/blocks from your previous biopsy with you when you come to Israel!)
- Otolaryngological surgeon consultation (with indirect laryngoscopy)
- Optional: Repeat biopsy and histopathology
- Optional: Oncologist consultation (provided metastatic laryngeal cancer diagnosis is confirmed)
The aforementioned investigations take 4-5 days to complete. The work up takes place at Assuta Hospital in Tel Aviv. It should be emphasized, that treatment program can only be discussed once the results of the word up are ready.
Methods of Treatments & Costs
Your throat cancer treatment will depend on the result of the aforementioned investigations. In general, there are 4 options:
- If the process has metastasized chemotherapy will be required
- If the malignancy is localized (and has not spread to the lymph nodes), the treatment of choice is laser laryngoplasty (also used for treatment of benign tumours).
- If local spread has been detected, but the tumour has not yet metastasized, a laryngectomy will be required.
- In certain cases where local spread has been detected, but the tumour has not yet metastasized RapidArc therapy in combination with chemotherapy can be performed (dependent on tumour’s histopathological characteristics)
Laser Laryngoplasty
Price of surgery includes:
- Preoperative care: Routine preoperative preparation including an ECG, chest X-ray and an anesthesiologist consultation
- Operation and 1 day of hospitalization
- Disposable surgical materials
- Express biopsy and definitive histopathological study
Price of surgery includes:
- Preoperative care: Routine preoperative preparation including an ECG, chest X-ray and an anesthesiologist consultation
- Operation – complete or partial laryngectomy with neck dissection and tracheostomaplasty and up to 10 days of hospitalization
- Disposable surgical materials
- Intraoperative frozen section biopsy and definitive histopathological study
Rapid Arc Therapy with Chemotherapy
Price of surgery includes:
- Aforementioned treatment (will be performed over the course of 7 weeks)
** If radiation therapy is indicated as part of your throat cancer treatment program, it can be performed utilizing IMRT RapidArc therapy. This significantly increases the therapy’s efficiency and reduces side effects. Click here to read more about IMRT RapidArc therapy.