Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders, affecting between 45 and 50 people per 100,000. It is a chronic condition characterized by recurring seizures, which are caused by abnormal cell activity in the brain’s cortex. Most commonly these seizures are convulsive, though other types (i.e. absence seizures) can also take place. They are often preceded by “auras”, which manifest as auditory, visual or olfactory hallucinations. Post-seizure symptoms (postictal period) include confusion, headaches, tiredness and difficulty speaking. Epilepsy can also negatively affect a patient’s psychological well-being. Fortunately, in most cases symptoms can be controlled with the appropriate epilepsy treatment.

Epilepsy Treatment

Before a treatment plan can be devised, a thorough workup is required to rule out other types of seizure disorders. It will include the following investigations:

  • Extensive blood workup (including CBC, CMP, lipid profile, electrolyte levels, hormonal profile, and AED levels)
  • Brain MRI scan (epilepsy protocol – FLAIR with gadolinium)
  • Awake EEG
  • Neurologist consultation (at Sheba Tel HaShomer)

The aforementioned investigations will take 4 business days to complete. Once they have been completed, and all the results are ready, your treating physician will devise a treatment program.

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