Mitral valve replacement is commonly performed in Israel. It is indicated in cases of abnormal changes (i.e. mitral regurgitation or mitral valve prolapse) to the valve’s leaflets due to conditions such as rheumocarditis, calcinosis or fibrosis, or formation of adhesions. The goal of the treatment is to replace the damaged valve with either a mechanical (metal) or bioprosthesis made from animal tissue.

While mechanical mitral valves generally last longer, they require taking blood thinners on a permanent basis. Using a bioprosthesis reduces the risk of developing thrombosis and inflammations so no additional medicinal treatment is needed; however, it normally only lasts for about 10 to 15 years before having to be replaced again. The decision regarding the type of valve to be used will be taken by your treating specialists.


  • Routine blood workup (CBC, CMP, lipid profile, coagulation factors and electrolyte levels)
  • Stress echocardiography
  • Cardiologist exam
  • Cardiac surgeon exam

The diagnostics program will take 2 business days to complete. All tests will take place at the state-of-the-art [[Assuta Medical Center]] in Tel Aviv.

Mitral Valve Replacement Surgery

If surgical intervention is indicated, the cost of the procedure will include the following:

  • Routine preoperative preparation including an ECG, chest X-ray and an anesthesiologist consultation
  • Operative procedure and up to 7 days of hospitalization (including 1 day in ICU) at Assuta
  • Disposable surgical materials and either a mechanical valve or a bioprosthesis.
  • Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring

Please note that mitral valve replacement can be performed either as open heart surgery or endoscopically (minimally invasive procedure). The later involves a shorter recovery time with less pain and a reduced risk of developing infection. However, as not all people are able to undergo this procedure, the decision regarding the type of procedure will be taken by your treating physicians.

Mitral Regurgitation Treatment and IHD

Please note that if you are suffering from IHD (ischemic heart disease) symptoms (or signs of the condition are noted during the ECG) it is possible to combine mitral valve replacement with a coronary bypass (CABG).

Please Note

The suggested treatment program (with a specialist recommended by us) will take place at Assuta Medical Center. If you would like, we can instead arrange the treatment at one of Israel’s public hospitals. In such case, the cost of the surgery (not including the logistics package) will be 20 to 30 per cent lower. However, while we can definitely guarantee that the surgery will be performed by one of that hospital’s top experts, the name of the particular expert will be selected based on their rotation schedule.

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