Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune connective tissue and blood vessel disease with flares and periods of remission. An SLE sufferer’s immune system manufactures anti-nuclear antibodies, which damage healthy tissue. The main symptoms of lupus are a butterfly-shaped rash on the face, fever episodes, joint pain (predominantly in the small joints of the hand), anemia (more common in children), blood and/or protein in urine, and fatigue. Appropriate lupus treatment can reduce the number of flares and soften the symptoms when they do occur.

Diagnosis & Treatment

Diagnostics plays a very important role in the treatment process for patients with SLE, as it is vital to uncover all of the complications caused by the disease.

Basic investigations include:

  • Full blood workup (including CBC, CMP, lipid profile, electrolyte levels, coagulation factors, CRP and complement components)
  • Specialized collagen panel
  • Optional: Skin biopsy and dermatologist consultation
  • Stress echocardiography (to evaluate coronary arteries, aorta, cardiac valves and myocardium and pericardium)
  • Kidney ultrasound with Doppler (to evaluate renal vessels)
  • Abdominal US scan (to evaluate the extent of nephropathy and liver and spleen)
  • Wrist joint X-ray (2 projections)
  • Ophthalmologist exam
  • Immunologist consultation

The diagnostic stage of the lupus treatment in Israel program will take 5 business days to complete.

Please note that some of the above investigations might not be necessary depending on your symptoms (for example, a skin biopsy would not be required for patients who are not displaying skin signs). Conversely, your treating physicians may refer you for diagnostic procedures not mentioned in the list above.

Please also note that some blood tests’ results take 2 to 3 weeks to complete. A basic treatment protocol will be drafted based on the results of the other exams. It may be subject to change one those tests results are available.

Causes of Lupus

While the trigger for the disease’s development is at present unknown, it has been associated with genetic factors, immune system defects and vitamin D deficiency. Smoking, excessive exposure to sunlight and certain infections are also considered to be lupus risk factors.

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